Dreaming of cats under one's bed

Q: Kindly interpret my dreams for me:

1) I saw that there are cats under my bed. There are so many that I get tired taking them from down under my bed and setting them free. And there are still plenty of cats under my bed. What does this mean?

2) I saw that my father in law along with my sister in law are shopping for some gold ornaments. My sister in law picks up a gold necklace and some gold earrings. My father in law orders me to use my husband's debit card to pay for the jewellery. I give it to him for payment. As we walk out of the gold shop, my father in law tells my sister in law to give all the gold jewellery which she bought to me. I tell my father in law it's okay she can keep it but my father in law angrily orders her to give it all to me. She gives it unwillingly. I take all the gold ornaments home. And when I get home, I try it one by one happily and love the jewellery. What does this mean?


1. Refrain from all types of doubtful things (e.g. un-Islamic literature, novels, magazines, internet, cellphone, etc).

2. Maintain good relations with your family and in-laws and ensure that you fulfil their rights and overlook their shortcomings. Keep your heart clean at all times and always wish well for every person. Allah Ta'ala will bless you with happiness and His special reward.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
