Sending sawaab to the deceased

Q: A month after my mother in law's death, I dreamt that there was a cyclonic wind outside and I was inside my house striving to close the wooden shutters in our sitting room, in vain. I was panicking at the thought that the shutters' frame would break and the shutters separate from the wall. I was saying that my husband should come and help to close the shutters quickly before the frame gets broken. But my husband had already gone out in the cyclonic winds and was not at home. So I kept striving alone when suddenly, my mother in law appeared about 10 metres before me in the cyclonic winds. She was looking at me. She did not seem to be affected at all by the winds. She was holding one of my pink triangular head scarfs from one end of the scarf which was completely unfolded in front of her and was trying to peep into the house. I felt uneasy about her peeping into the house and I asked her to come inside and told her that my mum had just come to pay me a visit for about 10 minutes. Can you please interpret this dream for me?

A: You should make dua for your deceased mother in-law and recite some portion of the Qur'an or give some sadaqah and convey the reward to her.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
