Preparing for death

Q: I saw a strange dream. I can't remember everything. I died then woke up in Jannah or another planet. I saw I was in a car, fire or explosion or disaster killed me. Then I saw I woke up in a room, it felt like I was in heaven (jannah) but this room is familiar to me, it's one of my bedroom. I looked through window glass I saw 3 suns (stars) outside. There was a woman with me in that room she kissed me. I went to closer to window to see outside. I saw a man waiving at me and I saw a stadium outside which is given to me. I think that time I said to myself I just want to worship Lord Most High (meaning I don't want anything, just want to worship Allah). Please tell me the meaning of this dream, is it a real dream or just came from my mind?

A: We should all prepare for our death for death is inevitable and no one knows when it will come.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
