Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: I have a couple of dreams that I need you to interpret for me please.

1. In this dream I was a victim of bullying by an old class mate who happens to be a person that I actually got along with. He was using a taser. This dream is strange because I have never been bullied.

2. In this dream I had unlawful sex with a woman that I felt I knew but I had never met before. I took away her virginity.

3. In this dream I was journeying to Hajj but it did not feel like I was in Mecca. I could see the The Ka'bah but I wasn't in Mecca. What is strange about this dream is that I was surrounded by non-Muslims and Hajj felt more like a tourist destination rather than a religious site. I haven't made any preparations to go to Hajj.

4. A woman offered me money and I accepted it. But after taking the money I felt that there was something sinister about the woman.

5. In this dream I was at my childhood home with my sister. There was no sign of my parents. The house was being robbed and I managed to escape but I could not save my sister from the robbers. She was in an outside building. I'm not sure if the burglars were aware of her presence. I called for help but there was no response from the neighbours or the security company. However, the strangest thing about this dream was that there was dead wildlife (lions, a rhino) in the backyard between the outside building (where my sister was) and the house that the burglars were in.

*Note when I was growing up I experienced a couple of burglary attempts at this house.

A: 1-5. You should ensure that the places you frequent and people you associate with are conducive to your Imaani values and principles. You should avoid going to places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated and people are not Deeni conscious. Be punctual on Salaah and observe strict purda with all non-mahrams. Endeavour to adopt the Sunnah in all facets of life and avoid all avenues of sin (e.g. internet, TV, cellphone, wrong company, literature, etc).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
