Dreaming of the Ka'bah Shareef

Q: I saw a dream on the 10th of January midnight that it is 11th January. In my dream I saw the Ka'bah Shareef. I was so close to it. I gave my hand over the golden boarders of the Ka'bah Sharif. While giving hand with so much happiness and love in Kabah Sharif, I felt that the golden boarder is slightly removed from the corner side. I was quite astonished. How it happened and I was trying to fix that boarder with Kabah Sharif. Then I woke up with joy because I saw The Ka'bah Shareef in my dream. My question is what is the meaning of this dream?

A: May Allah Ta'ala bless you with his special love and bless you with the ziyaarat of the Haramain Shareefain.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

