A few questions regarding purity

Q: I have a few questions regarding purity. I would appreciate  a response.  I am subject to whispers from Shaitain, and want to understand these matters properly so I can confront this issue.

  1. How can one use water to clean themselves after defecating in a modern toilet without getting splashes of water on themselves?  I place toilet paper in the water, but water still splashes onto me.  I often shower the lower part of my body after defecating to be precautious, but I am torn between the feeling that I am wasting water, and doing something most people don't do on the one hand, and the desire to be clean without doubt on the other.
  2. To clean a garment that has urine or sperm on it, is it sufficient to wash under a lot of running water a sufficient amount of time, or must  it be washed and wrung three times?
  3. When cleaning clothes with najasah on them in a washing machine, what if drops of water from the first cycle splash onto the inside roof of the washing machine, and then those drops of water fall back into the water during a later cycle.  Will these drops of water impurify the clothes?  Is this excessive detail?
  4. If someone has wet feet and they walk on carpet or slippers on which there is something impure, is the impurity considered to have transferred onto their feet?{C}


  1. Relieving one's self in the squatting position is Sunnah. This can be attained through using the eastern toilets. Together with acting upon the Sunnah, one will also be saved from urine splashes. If one has to use the western toilets then one should ensure that one is saved from urine drops. If urine drops gets on the body then one should only wash that part of the body. Washing the entire body is not necessary.
  2. One should wash the impure cloth till the impurity is removed. Washing it three times is not necessary.
  3. Clothes that are washed in a washing machine are regarded as paak. Hence one should not have any doubts with regards to its purity.
  4. If there is physical impurity on the carpet or slippers and through placing one's feet on it, the impurity comes on to the feet, the feet will be regarded as napaak.

 قال والنجاسة ضربان مرئية وغير مرئية فما كان منها مرئيا فطهارته زوال عينها لأن النجاسة حلت المحل باعتبار العين فتزول بزوالها إلا أن يبقى من أثرها ما تشق إزالته لأن الحرج مدفوع وهذا يشير إلى أنه لا يشترط الغسل بعد زوال العين وإن زال بالغسل مرة واحدة و فيه كلام وما ليس بمرئي فطهارته أن يغسل حتى يغلب على ظن الغاسل أنه قد طهر لأن التكرار لا بد منه للاستخراج ولا يقطع بزواله فاعتبر غالب الظن كما في أمر القبلة وإنما قدروا بالثلاث لأن غالب الظن يحصل عنده فأقيم السبب لظاهر مقامه تيسيرا ويتأيد ذلك بحديث المستيقظ من منامه ثم لا بد من العصر في كل مرة في ظاهر الرواية لأنه هو المستخرج (الهداية 1/ 77-78)

واعلم أن أسباب التخفيف في العبادات وغيرها سبعة ... السادس : العسر وعموم البلوى (الأشباه و النظائر مع شرح الحموي 1/226-228), وما عمت بليته خفت قضيته (بدائع الصنائع 1/81)

آپ کے مسائل اور  ان کا حل  2/87 (مکتبہ لدھیانوی)

نام أو مشى على نجاسة إن ظهر عينها تنجس وإلا لا ( رد المحتار 1/346)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
