Wet dreams

Q: I have a question about wet dreams. I read all questions on the site but still have doubts about my situation. Could you please advise me too? May Allah reward your work, amin. I am a female, I ask these questions below to in shaa Allah make my ibadaat easy and avoid needless bathing, my non-Muslim family can say that I only spend time in toilet for ghusl and wudu as urinating takes a lot of time for me and preparation for salah therefore too. I don’t have much of wet dreams honestly and usually I am sure when I see them, because even if I don’t remember the dream itself the moment when relaxation comes and you feel weak, climax etc, that moment I usually wake up. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios?

1.) I climaxed during a dream, but see no discharges on my underwear and feel no wetness when I touch my private parts, do I have to bath? What I worry about is, as we lie down during a nap, especially when its short, may be the sexual discharge is gathered inside but didn’t flow out yet as it happens in standing position and if we urinate it will flow out with urine and we will never see/feel it and will think we don’t need a ghusl while we actually need it. Sometimes your bladder is full after a nap and you can’t really walk or wait to see if something flows out. What must we do in such cases?

1.1 what will be a ruling if I see a wet spot on my underwear, but not sure its due to wetness because of desire that only breaks wudu or that thing that requires ghusl? Do I have to bath in this case? Now come scenarios that are mixed with doubts, could you kindly answer them too, please?

2. Today I woke up in the middle of a short nap after fajr and started thinking what and whom I saw in my dream to understand if I saw a wet dream or not. I realized I saw my ex-husband, then someone else, I started worry if I saw some sexual relation etc, I was kind of sure I didn’t see anything like that and didn’t experience climax in the dream, but as there were parts of a dream that I didn’t remember anymore, I was starting having doubts and trying to remember all. I think doubts are baseless, but can’t judge in a state of doubts.. Thinking all this I decided that I didn’t experience any climax and continued lying down, continuing to think of my dream. Usually when I am afraid to see any man in my dream or even think of such things awake, I experience a wet discharge, like lubrication, the one that only breaks wudu, so I guess I was having it that moment as well and may be even had during a sleep already. So when I woke up I didn’t see any discharge on my pad in the toilet, but when I touched my private part, I felt some wetness or sweat. I washed myself and went to work thinking of all this again (and probably had more wetness appearing therefore) and when I came to work after few hours in toilet I felt that wetness again. How do I consider this wetness now, as something that breaks wudu only or a discharge after ejaculation that I don’t remember happening? In such cases of doubts and wetness do we have to make ghusl or not?

2.1 if in the same situation I see a wet spot on my underwear, from which I cant distinguish its discharge that breaks wudu or ghusl, just a wet spot, is ghusl compulsory?

3.Generally when a woman doesn’t remember parts of her dreams, but remembers seeing opposite sex and remembers no intercourse, and then feels some wetness in private part, but don’t see the discharge itself on the underwear, must she do ghusl or not? How to distinguish if the discharge is from climax or just the one that breaks wudu? How do they look, what is their composition to differ them? (this scenario is as the one above, only no doubts involved, you just don’t remember the intercourse in your dream. I want to understand if doubts lead to different ruling or not) 3.1. if in this situation I see wet spot on my underwear, but cant understand whats that, do I have to bath?

4. When a woman is sure she didn’t climax in a dream but still feels wetness, sweat etc washing her private part, can she consider it as a discharge that breaks wudu only?

4.1 And what if she sees her underwear wet, can she consider it as discharge that breaks wudu only or not?


1. No.

Until you don't see anything count yourself as pure.

2. If it was colourless wetness then just wash the area and make wudhu.

3. No.

As above in no. 2.

4. Yes.

Yes, she can count it as only breaking wudhu.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
