
Q: I saw a dream. I talked to the father of the girl which I wish to marry and he didn't tell me no. He was texting me through whatsapp. I got more better person than you. I got guys who are CA (chartered Accountant) and look at you what qualification you have? I was upset that time because I didn't have a degree and I was going start my network engineering course after few months. I also saw huge waves of sea and also saw vintage car (which I like) in green colour but it was a little dusty. Also I wanted to do wudu but I slipped then got up and went home to read salaah. Can you tell me the meaning of this dream?

A: Be punctual on you five daily Salaah and ensure that you observe strict purda with all non-mahram women. If you wish to marry the girl you are interested in, then you should send a proposal for her. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
