
Q: In 2013 my mom had insult (veins in brain exploded). She was in coma for few weeks, she was dying, doctors were saying there is no hope as they see, the organism doesn’t fight anymore etc. Praise be to Rabbil Alamin for the mercy He sent me saving my mom who is now walking, cooking, doing all she did before, amin!! She is 69. She is not Muslim and I pray Allah to make her Muslim, amin. She worries about everything. Now she worries about one member of our family drinking alcohol due to debts. I know disease are from Allah, as well as the cure and everything belongs to Him, not only disease and cure, but I say all details, because as I understand He doesn’t just send disease without any factors to happen first (please share the right knowledge if I am mistaken). Today I saw a dream that I see her in toilet, I am not sure if that member of a family was there too. Then suddenly I see her lying in the bathroom while hot water is running on her face. I think, mama, why don’t you turn it off and come to her and see she is (naked if I remember correct) kind of unconscious. The same dead swallowed no movement face as I was seeing when she was in reanimation in coma… I think she opened an eye for a second, or I saw somehow the color of her eye… I think she even tried to stand or made a movement with her hand to close the water, but I think I saw again that face with no movements and realized she has been struck again. in a dream or already awake I understood that worrying about this member of a family is a factor that is a first sign that she will have the same disease again or even die and Allah knows best. then I thought it could also mean that she will be guided to Islam in shaa Allah. Amin. What does this dream mean? Allah didn’t send it for nothing and I believe we must ask His knowledgeable slaves for interpretation expecting the answer coming from Him Alone.

A: Make dua that Allah Ta'ala bless her with hidaayat.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
