Q: My mother did istikhara for my marriage and first day of istikhara she saw one young lady along with little girl offering salaah (namaz) wearing very beautiful light red colour dress. Both are wearing same colour dress. Then the next day of istikhara she saw a dream in that she saw marriage ceremony is going on in our home. Nikaah is going on all guests are happy and some one came and said to my mother that nikah is over. All guests are wearing different colour dresses and she is wearing orange colour saree and my mother's aunty is wearing complete red color saree. Other colour she saw was blue, green and white which is not clear as much as red and orange color. Can you please tell me the meaning of it.
A: This is a good dream. If the family is happy with the boy's Deen, Akhlaaq and mannerisms, then they may accept the proposal.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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