

1) Please tell me I found little mucus in nose after some time of ghusal, it is valid or not?

2) I was not aware few years ago about wet dream and I never performed ghusal for that, now I know about wet dreams so one ghusal is enough for many years as I don't know how many times I had wet dreams?

3) If l forget to wash some parts during ghusal and I remember this after some hours, can I wash them or renew my ghusal?

4) Can I perform one ghusal at the same time for many purposes means janub and haiz?


1. Yes, it is valid.

2. For the times that you are sure that you performed namaaz after having a wet dream then just repeat those namaaz.

3. Just wash those areas.

4. Yes.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
