Cooking meat in a dream

Q: I did isthikhara for my marriage. I saw in a dream that I was opening a shopping beg and taking out leg piece of mutton. I was happy to see that clean and ready to cook mutton, I realized that someone was cooking by my side and putting meat in cooking pot. I thought I should start cooking too. I was thinking should I remove that white piece of fat from it or not. But then I decided to cook the leg piece as a whole with that white fat on it. The cooking pot was small but I managed to put the leg piece in it and I thought it would take few hours to cooked completely. I was feeling happy that I can eat that after few hours. Could you please tell me that is it a positive dream or negative? Should I go for that proposal or not?

A: The dream is positive. If you and your parents are pleased with the boy's Deen, aklaaq and mannerisms, then you may accept the proposal.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
