Q: A few years back, I owed money to a company. A family member who was owing me money undertook to pay it on my behalf in lieu of what he owed me. I have recently found out that this money was never paid by him. On contacting the business, they told me that it has been bought over by another company, but the person I spoke to was unsure whether the company had taken over the debtor’s book of the company and was of the opinion that they had only bought out the stock holding. I have sent them numerous e-mails trying to establish if this was the case, and if so, requested that they provide me with the details of the previous owners so that I may repay this amount. To date, I have had no correspondence from them and find myself in a predicament of not knowing where I stand. What should I do in this situation?
A: Try your best to trace the original owners. Perhaps the new management may be able to assist in this regard. Return the amount to the original creditor.
الديون تقضى بأمثالها (الأشباه والنظائر 2/349)
قال والمكفول له بالخيار إن شاء طالب الذي عليه الأصل وإن شاء طالب كفيله لأن الكفالة ضم الذمة إلى الذمة في المطالبة وذلك يقتضي قيام الأول لا البراءة عنه إلا إذا شرط فيه البراءة فحينئذ تنعقد حوالة اعتبارا للمعنى كما أن الحوالة بشرط أن لا يبرأ بها المحيل تكون كفالة ولو طالب أحدهما له أن يطالب الآخر وله أن يطالبهما لأن مقتضاه الضم بخلاف المالك إذا اختار تضمين أحد الغاصبين لأن اختياره أحدهما يتضمن التمليك منه فلا يمكنه التمليك من الثاني أما المطالبة بالكفالة فلا تضمن التمليك فوضح الفرق (الهداية 3/ 116)
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