Observing strict purda with all non-mahrams

Q: In my dream I am walking with my deceased mother we are then joined by my deceased ex-husband. He looks worried and turns to face me and requests "I need to speak to you?" I replied angrily " We have nothing to discuss, you had your chance!" My mother walks towards a table where family members (living members) she peers around then turns to my ex husband and tells him there is place at the table we are going to sit at (apparently I was there together with her and we were to sit together and joining family members) I didn't like the idea of my ex husband joining us. So I told my mother is she is allowing him to be seated with us then I am not going to join them. I then turn away from them and walk out.

A: Ensure that you observe strict purda when dealing with all non-mahrams.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
