Is it permissible to recite this Dua or not?

Q: I came across this dua, I do not know whether it is permissible to recite it or not because I do not know its meaning. Can you please validate this dua and let me know its meaning in English, I will be very thankful.

A: We have not come across this wordings in the Hadit. However, the wordings are correct (The words do not contain any incorrect substance). It’s permissible to recite this Dua. But don’t believe it to be the wordings of a Hadith. 


“O Allah! The most loving. O the owner of the honorable throne, the one who creates from nothing, the one who resurrects creation, the one who does as he pleases, the one who is so exalted that it is beyond comprehension, the owner of such a kingdom wherein no person is treated unjustly, O the one on who light stands the pillars of his throne, O the helper, Help me. O the helper, Help me. O the helper, Help me. Indeed you have power over everything.”


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
