
Q: I would be immensely grateful your help in solving the inheritance question I have which is as follows:- (all the brothers have been sorted but it remains the daughters to be sorted)

1) Person “AE” passes away and leaves 4 sons “A,B,C,and D” and a daughter “F”

2) Daughter “F” passes away leaving three surviving brothers “A,B.C” and husband “I” and daughter “G”.

3) After her death “F” the husband marries again “J”.

4) The husband “I” dies leaving his new wife “J” and the original daughter “G” and two sisters “K and L”

As I understand from Islamic prospective the :=

1 a) Daughter “F” gets 1/9 of the original share, upon her death the surviving brothers “A,B,and C” gets remainder each from the estate of “F” after the husband “I” gets ¼ their daughter gets ½ of the mothers share. upon her death the surviving brothers “A,B,and C” (siblings) get remainder each from the estate

1 b) Upon the death of “I” (F’s Husband) the new wife with whom no children were born gets 1/8 and the two sisters “K an L” get 3/16 each and the original daughter “G” gets 1/2 from the fathers estate. Your valued input is highly appreciated.

A: This is correct.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

