Maintaining family ties

Q: Can Mufti Sahheb please interpret my dream. I dreamt that I went to my brother's house. As I was trying to enter, there was a dog on the front lawn, moving to and fro and barking. There was also a lump of stool that was surrounded by flies. When I turned to the left, my sister in-law was approaching. I asked her to help with the dog but she just ignored me. I managed to enter the house and when I opened the back door there was also a bigger dog there with stool on the floor. I quickly closed the door.

A: Maintain good ties with your family and ensure that you are polite and respectful when dealing with them. Endeavour to fulfil their rights and overlook their weaknesses and shortcomings.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
