
Q: Need assistance regarding inheritance. Wife passed on couple days ago had R 164,000.00. I was told by the local Imam that 2.5% is zakaat, 1/3 for any fast missed in her life time the max amount, me the husband R 27,000.00 the son R 54,000.00 and the Daughter R 27,000.00 and R51,000.00 for grand children + islamic liabilities. Is the calculations correct please advise.

A: The money from the estate will be used for paying undischarged zakaat and fidyah for missed fasts only if made a bequest for it. The grandchildren will not be heirs to the estate. If she had made a bequest in favour of them then only will the bequeathed amount be given to them, provided it is within one-third of the estate.

If the deceased was survived by her husband, one son and one daughter then the estate will be divided into 4 equal shares and distributed as follows:

Husband will receive 1 share

Son will receive 2 shares

Daughter will receive 1 share

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

