Word for word Translation of a Durood

Q: Can you give me a word for word translation for this durood:

Allahhumma salli `ala muhammad wa `ala aalihee wa ashaabihee wa owlaadihee wa zurriyatihee wa ahli baytihee wa ashaarihee wa ansaarihee wa ashyaa`ihee wa muhibeehi wa ummatihi wa `alayna ma`a hum ajma`een ya arhumar raahimeen.

A: Allahhumma salli `ala muhammad - O Allah, send salawaat upon Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), wa `ala aalihee wa ashaabihee - his family, his companions, wa owlaadihee wa zurriyatihee wa ahli baytihee - his children, his progeny, his ahle bait (household), wa ashaarihee wa ansaarihee - his sons-in-law and relatives through marriage, his assistants, wa ashyaa`ihee wa muhibeehi wa ummatihi - his followers, his lovers, his ummah, wa `alayna ma`a hum ajma`een ya arhumar raahimeen - and upon us as well together with them altogether, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
