
Q: I was at my old junior primary school where I met new people at a gathering inside the school hall. It felt like i had made new friends. Amongst them was what appeared to be Christian girl who was praying for me. After the meeting was over we all walked about there was heavy rain. Everybody left in their cars. I wasn't offered a lift by anyone and I was too shy to ask for one. Therefore I ended up walking alone in the rain.

A: You should ensure that the places you frequent and people you associate with are conducive to your Imaani values and principles. You should avoid going to places where the laws of Shari'ah are violated and people are not Deeni conscious. Be punctual on Salaah and observe strict purda with all non-mahrams. Endeavour to adopt the Sunnah in all facets of life and avoid all avenues of sin (e.g. internet, TV, cellphone, wrong company, literature, etc).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
