
Q: In my a dream I offered a male relative who is a doctor breakfast at my home. I offered to make eggs and he accepted. When I entered my kitchen I saw that there was a lot of food that was covered with a cloth that was sent by someone. I decided to make him an egg anyway. I gave him an empty plate and returned to the kitchen to cook the egg. He followed me and changed the plate for another one. I asked him why and he said that the other plate was chipped. When I went back to look at it, I saw it was badly chipped. I made and egg and while cooking it I saw a strand of my hair in it. I pulled it out and gave it to him to eat. He seemed to have enjoyed it so I decided to make more. While cooking more eggs I again saw hair in it. This time I tried pulling out the hair but there seemed to be much more hair inside and I was failing to take out so much hair. My husband entered the kitchen to check why I was taking so long to make eggs and when he saw all the hair he was embarrassed and started shouting me.

A: Observe strict purda with all non mahrams even your male relatives.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
