Laws pertaining to a ma'zoor

Q: I am suffering from vaginal discharge which is quite random and taking medicine for it. During a day, sometimes I have it every 2,3, or 5 minutes, and at other times, after 2-3 hours. Many times it happens that I perform wadu, stand on the musallah to perform salaah and during salaah I feel the discharge. Since I am performing qadha salaah as well, sometimes it takes 25 minutes for me to remain on the musallah. But due to this discharge, I don't know what to do as wudhu breaks. Please guide.

A: If you qualify as a ma`zoor then you will only have to make wudhu at the beginning of each namaaz time irrespective of how many times the discharge occurs. A ma`zoor is that person who experiences a breaker of wudhu, like passing of gas or urine incontinence etc. so frequently that from the beginning of the namaaz time until the end of the namaaz time he / she is unable to perform wudhu and read namaaz without that particular breaker of wudhu occurring. Once this is established, one will remain a ma`zoor for as long as that particular breaker of wudhu occurs at least once in the rest of the salaah times that follow. If you do not qualify as a ma`zoor then you will have to make wudhu whenever your wudhu breaks.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
