The knowledge of the unseen

Q: It has been years that I have been praying for something but havn't got my prayer answered yet. One and a half month back I started praying Salaatul Haajat daily. Two nafil and after that I used to recite durood shareef (salutations of prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in abundance. I still do it. After just doing it for a month I saw a dream. I saw that I am in a room and I am praying hajat nafl on a prayer mat and i am a bit scared and I have that in my mind in my dream that I am praying that for the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Then suddenly there is some movement in the room and I become sacred but I keep on praying. Then I hear a voice that says that your nafl have been accepted by Allah so I instantly become happy and as I wake up I hear the Allahu akbar of the fajr adhan. I felt really good. I felt that Allah is pleased with me. Alhumdulillah. So I wanted to ask will it really be the case? If Allah has accepted my nafl, then will it be that he may also accept the haajat for which I was praying those nafl?

A: The knowledge of the unseen lies with Allah Ta'ala. No person has knowledge of the future. You should continue turning to Allah Ta'ala and beg of His grace. Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala. However, we should at all times bear in mind that Allah Ta'ala knows what is good for us at which time and He will grant it to us at the time it is best for us. The servant does not know what is good for him at which time. If something is not good for us and therefore Allah Ta'ala does not bless us with it in this world, then Allah Ta'ala will surely grant us something better in the Hereafter.   

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
