
Q: After fajr prayers, I dreamt that I am in a big outdoor place with lots of people and behind me there were lots of big food that people were getting including a really big slice of pizza and bread. Although I can eat it, in my dream, I say no I have a lunch card and I am going to go and get my own food. I go to the counter to pay with my lunch card and the card turns out to be an old card that cannot be used, I see a young handsome man and inquires about me however that was brief and I walk away. As a walk away, it seems to be an old man but not that old who says to me 'you have passed' and now you should take the brooches. The brooches are a flower and in the colour blue, they are small and no crystals and the pin ends with the metal flower. I take one, he stops me and tells no take more. With my one, I take 3 more. I stand in line to buy my food. The line breaks and I have to join a different line but I didn't go to the end of the line so I stood in front of a well dressed black women and then I ordered a popcorn chicken.

A: In all important matters, ensure that you make mashwarah with your elders. Do not do anything independently.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
