
Q: I love someone and I want to marry that person. For that I did istekhara during tahajud time for seeking khair from Allah in my decision. After istekhara when I slept I got a dream that I am in a garden and there is Eid celebration going on and I am very happy. I am wearing black dress and beside me one person is standing. He is wearing a white shirt but I couldn't recognize his face. Then again I did isteqara and I got a dream there is celebration going on with all my family. So please can you tell me what is the tabeer and I shall think this is khair from Allah.

A: The dream indicates towards this that in regard to the issue of nikah, you should consult your parents. You should not independently look for your own suitor.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

