Seeing owls in a dream

Q: I had a dream of me in my mother's bedroom looking at the window. The sky is blue with clouds. I see 2 white owls in the sky and they do not move but they are up in the sky and in my direction. I proceed to say Subhanna Allah Walhamdulilah Wallahu Akbar. The 2 owls fall from the sky. Then, I see the sun outside my window, like the owls it doesn't move and it's really near my window but it's like an object. It is maroonish and orangish in colour. I praise Allah but I remember whether it falls or not.

A: At time owls in a dream refer to evil and oppressive rulers. The owls falling refers to their removal. May Allah Ta'ala remove the oppression of the evil rulers and replace them with just and righteous rulers.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

