
Q: We have three kittens. I dreamt that I went to the kitchen to see them. Whilst looking, a new kitten appeared. I thought that maybe this is their friend that they lost in childhood. Another unknown kitten then appeared. Soon, about 20 cats and kittens starting coming up in the kitchen. They were all gathered and sitting happily together. They were all different colors and I concluded that they could not be the offspring of our kittens. Some were brown, blue, etc. in color. I was confused about the source of all these cats. My mother then walked in from another section of the kitchen. She looked at me confused and quizzically about all these kittens. I looked at her in the same manner. We were bewildered. Kindly interpret this dream. I had this dream whilst on safar.

A: Maintain good ties with all your relatives and treat them kindly. Be concerned about their welfare and make dua for them. Allah Ta'ala will bless you with barakah in your Deen and dunya.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
