
Q: I'm a housewife with two kids. Since a few years me and my husband had been struggling very hard. I was not at all religious neither my husband, but hardships brought me closer to Allah. Right now this the time when my sabr is about to end, all doors seem closed... the only door that seemed like a ray of hope seems to be getting shut too... While making dua I slept in afternoon and a verse kept on coming to my dream " they plan and Allah plans and He is the best planner" I woke up in between and then slept but this keep on coming in my mind. I'm confused now. Is it a good sign (because I thought some conspiracy was going on) or does it indicates that I should give in to Allah's will, for I have very true believe that Allah will listen to me. I don't just give up on this belief... It doesn't go away although the disappointments just increases. Help me with this... explain it to me... I just don't know who to turn to.

A: The dream means that you should turn to Allah Ta'ala. Recite the attached dua after Salaah and beg Allah Ta'ala for his Divine assistance. Start off the following program in the home: 

1. Ta`leem of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal, Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat and Bahishti Zewar.

2. Recitation of a portion of the Qur'aan Shareef and some zikr. 

3. Collective du`aa with the family at the end of each session. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

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