In shariah is there any restriction in buying big houses?

Q: My father is a doctor and he has retired from govt job and now he got some money so we have plan to get a new house as we live in a rented house. We can accommodate in 10 marla house but we have plan to get 1 KANAL house for more luxury so according to shariah is there any restriction in buying big houses as i heard in a hadees its theme was like "Worst money is that which is spent in construction" and on another occasion our PROPHET did not liked the construction of a SAHABI and  afterwards that Sahabi demolished that construction. So can we build luxury houses to live in?


A: If the house you intend purchasing is spacious and will suffice for your needs and the needs of your family your needs, then it is permissible to purchase that house. The Hadith refers to the situation where a person wastes money in building without any need or he constructs a building, house, etc. for the sake of show.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.

وعن خباب عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ما أنفق مؤمن من نفقة إلا أجر فيها إلا نفقته في هذا التراب رواه الترمذي وابن ماجه (مشكاة رقم 5182)

قال القاري في المرقاة : قال ما أنفق مؤمن من نفقة إلا أجر بصيغة المجهول أي أثيب فيها أي في تلك النفقة أو إنفاقها إلا نفقته بالنصب على الإستثناء من الموجب لأن النفي عاد إلى الإيجاب بالإستثناء الأول فتأمل في هذا التراب أي البناء فوق الحاجة (مرقاة 15/ 76)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
