Associating with kuffaar

Q: Kindly interpret the following dream: My father went to a neighboring town to visit his Hindu friend. (My father has a dog business on the side, and this Hindu is involved.) However, he took a new/different road to get there. My father parked his car in a large parking lot. After visiting the Hindu, my father could not find his car. My father was looking everywhere in the parking lot for his car. He felt that it could be owing to taking a new route. After sometime of looking, my father saw me in the parking lot. I had come there to go to a store. My father explained the situation of being unable to find his car. The dream then ended and my father woke up thinking that he should get satellite tracking for his car to avoid such problems in the future. My father said that he is worried about getting old and losing his memory.

A: A believer should at all times be primarily concerned about maintaining his relationship with Allah Ta'ala and preserving his Imaani values. Generally associating with the kuffaar and befriending them leads to one incurring harm in his Deen as he at some point will have to compromise his Deeni values for the friendship. Therefore, our ulama explain that if one has to interact with the kuffar for business reasons, then it should be limited to the point of need. The dream indicates towards this.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

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Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Q: My father's condition is just going from bad to worse with these Hindus, Bhanyas and Tamils (who are all practically atheists). He has taken their lifestyle as his own, and competes with them in the same.

My father is a wealthy person. However, his business is now starting to dip. The more the failure, the more is his involvement with silly non-Muslim hobbies and pastimes. My father is unjust and the rights of others are not being fulfilled.

Should I make dua that Allah Ta'ala cuts my father's relations with these non-Muslims with animosity and friction?

A: Make duaa that Allah Ta'ala guide him to the straight path and save him from His divine displeasure and wrath.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
