The name "Hannah"

Q: Please advise on the correct and best way on the name Hanna and how is it in Arabic and English spelling and meaning.

1. هننا - is it noon tashdeed?

2. حننة - is it noon tashdeed?

3. حناء - is it - Hana / a

Please give meanings and which from above 3 is suitable for naming a girl?

A: It is permissible to keep this name. The word in Arabic is with a big Haa and a tashdeed on the noon حَنَّةْ (Hannah). It means compassion. Hazrat Maryam (Alayhas Salaam's) mother's name was Hannah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

واسم أم مريم حنة بمهملة ونون بنت فاقود واسم أختها والدة يحيى ايشاع قال بن إسحاق في المبتدأ كانت حنة عند عمران وأختها عند زكريا وكانت حنة أمسك عنها الولد ثم حملت بمريم فمات عمران وهي حامل (فتح الباري 6/ 540)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
