
Q: I have two dreams needing interpretation.

First dream: My 1st wife had repeatedly seen this dream but it stopped after I got married to my second wife: She saw that she has built a house and one day she sees another house in the back which has never seen before and she sees the back of someone, she senses that there is someone living with a family there and tells them to get out of her house. She kept seeing this dream till I got married to my second wife.

Second dream: She had this dream yesterday between asr and maghrib. She saw she has built a house and there is water on the roof of the house and dripping below. After a while she sees that the water is dried on the roof but still water is dripping below. Please advice about the interpretation of both dreams


1. The dream was an indication to your second marriage.

2. May Allah Ta'ala bless her with the tawfeeq of carrying out righteous deeds which will be a means of benefit for her in the Aakhirat.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
