
Q: I had a dream and I would like to ask for its interpretation. Basically there's a Christian friend of mine for whom I am praying to become a Muslim. Recently I dreamt that I was moving with an Islamic procession and I was wearing a burqa. While the procession was moving, a procession of Christian people came from the opposite direction. My Christian friend was also in that procession. But as our procession moved further and theirs moved on their way, I turned to my right to see my Christian friend in our procession moving with us. He had joined us. Later the procession ended at my home and he told me 'I like your hijab'. So could you please interpret this dream?

A: Immediately sever all ties with this Christian boy and seek Allah Ta'ala's forgiveness.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

