Q: Our Musjid, has gone through an extension on the left side, However there is a separating wall (not completely separated few rows the an entrance, and few rows again) in between the Original Musjid and the extension. The extension is used for itikaf and is part of the Musjid. Usually on Jumma or when the musjid gets full the extension is used. The set up is similar to Musjidun Nabawai alhis salam. where outside the the front row continues, separated by walls:
- Is the reward the same when standing in the front row,between the separating walls?
- Should the original Musjid be filled 1st, then the extension or vice versa?
- Can I stand alone in the extension to get the reward of filling the front rows?
- If it’s on the same floor and it meets exactly with the first saff it will be counted as the first saff. It will be advisable that there is a window in the partition so that the postures of the imam may not be concealed or hidden.
- There is no question of original and extended. Both are counted as the first saff.
- The extension is part of first saff. There is no question of you being alone.
Q: Should the front row (incl extension) be completed first, then the remaining rows, even when the musjid is not full.
A: Yes.
( تؤخذ أرض ) ودار وحانوت ( بجنب مسجد ضاف على الناس بالقيمة كرها ) درر وعمادية
قال الشامي في رد المحتار : قوله ( وتؤخذ أرض ) في الفتح ولو ضاق المسجد وبجنبه أرض وقف عليه أو حانوت جاز أن يؤخذ ويدخل فيه ا هـ زاد في البحر عن الخانية بأمر القاضي وتقييده بقوله وقف عليه أي على المسجد يفيد أنها لو كانت وقفا على غيره لم يجز لكن جواز أخذ المملوكة كرها يفيد الجواز بالأولى لأن المسجد لله تعالى والوقف كذلك ولذا ترك المصنف في شرحه هذا القيد وكذا في جامع الفصولين تأمل (رد المحتار 4/ 379)
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