
Q: I would like to ask interpretation of two dreams

1. My teeth fell on my lap and I was able to take some out as the new ones came right above it so had to take some out beneath it and I put some few back on other side of jaw without having any pain it was all done.

2. My brother saw a dream about me having an accident. I hurt my back by a (non-muslim) hispanic guy as he (my brother) described and then I sat on my knees for a while but then stood up straight and walked away finely. And my whole family was there to see me on the road. Would appreciate your response.


1. May Allah Ta'ala remove your worries.

2. May Allah Ta'ala save you from difficulty.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

