
Q: I had a dream. The time of dream was after I did tahajjud and recited suran Baqarah, and was near the time of fajr. The dream was regarding me and my second wife. I saw that I have gone to the country where she lives and I go to her house. There is a baby boy there, and she tells me this is our son. The baby boy is of crawling age. He starts to cry, and a woman (who looks like my second wife's step mother) picks the baby up and leaves him near a chair. He starts to play trying to climb the chair, and i am sitting on the floor watching him. Then i see me and my second wife are out and there is flooding. The flood is waist high. As we are making our way, i realize she has lagged behind. So i go back to her. She is trying to find her cell under the water and i think i should go under water to, to help her find it. But she finds it in the meanwhile and it is broken. I tell her pick up the broken pieces and lets go. And im also thinking that her cell cant be repaired and i will give her mine. She picks up the cell and we go our way. Then i see that i cant find her house, and im looking very hard for it, then i find it, behind some secret door. I open the secret door and i see the actual door in it and there is a window in it. i can see her in the kitchen smiling and she comes to open the door, and i enter. The i see i am again trying to find her house, but its not in the same place or i am going in the wrong road. In actual my second wife is being difficult without any reason, saying things like i will disappear and things like that. But she still remains in touch with me. It has just been month and a half of our marriage, and I am sending expense regularly, and i also gave her expense when i was there.

A: The dream indicates towards the difficulty you are going through.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

