
Q: I would like to ask you to please help me by interpreting a dream I had.

I had a dream where I was in a mall with my two children in a trolley an as I went to take a elevator I thought someone was trying to steal my bag I got distracted an realized as I got out of the lift that I was pushing the wrong trolley an my children weren't in this one I was so terrified an afraid I went an found my brother an older sister in the mall an crying I told them I'm looking for my children an they didn't even seem to care as they avoided the subject an started talking about where they wanted to eat lunch I then went an found my husband an told him what happened an even he seemed so calm an not worried I was so scared I went an looked an found the trolley with him my baby was still in her car seat but I couldn't find my other child I started looking everywhere for him an then found him playing on the floor outside one shop an then the dream ended with me feeling very shaken but relieved.

Maaf for so long message just always I seem to be suffering with anxiety an constant fear an maaf for saying this but depression also is there any dua you can also recommend for anxiety an also if you could please interpret the dream.

A: Ensure that you do regular ta`leem, recitation of the Qur'aan at home and ensure that all your namaaz are done on time.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

