
Q: My wife would like to have the following dreams interpreted    '

'I dreamt that you (Husband) and I were in a very cold place. Sa'ad (4) and Ammaar (5 months) were with us as well as my mum. I few other people where present as well. We were on a deck or platform surrounded by icy blue water. Sa'ad (middle child, currently 4 years old) looked much younger and was standing at the edge with my mum with a ball in his hand. I was a little distance away, changing Ammaar or busy with him in some way. You were behind us. Sa'ad took a step forward (he was barefoot - remember that distinctly) and fell into the water. He was holding the ball in his hand, so went under and then bobbed at the surface. I got up immediately to go to him but my mum had already jumped into the water. I pulled them both out.  The dream changed a little, I still saw the same place, this time with balls of something that looked like coal floating in the sky and then falling into the water.  It was a very long dream, but everything else is unclear. 

Dreamt during the night, well before fajr, today (18/04/2017). She also said that she had read surahs and duas before sleeping.  Had a strange dream about the same child on Friday(14/04/ 2017) morning after fajr as well. Different scenario. Dreamt there was a possible attempt to molest him by a family friend (someone well known to the family).  I picked him up and ran away and reported to the family. 


1. You should guide people to the straight path wherever you can.

2. Ensure that the children remain in pious company and are not exposed to environments of sin.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

