
Q: My husband did isteqara as we planned to shift to canada permenetly he saw 3 days diffrent dreams 1 day it was good n sudden he saw firing in a office he wrks two dreams he saw on day one then second day he dsnt remmber what he saw n now third day he saw himself standing in front of the sea n sea color is blue n then suddenly a black fish jumps on him what does this isteqara mean we dnt no what to descide can u plz explain what actully this all mean what should we consider it as yes or no what do these sign n color mean or should we do again isteqara ?

A: This is a good dream. If after performing the istikhkaara salaah you feel positive regarding relocating to Canada and there are no hurdles that you perceive or envisage regarding your Deen or dunya then you may go ahead.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

