
Q: Last night around 2 am I had terrifying dreams, it wasn't a nightmare it was worse, I'm trying to avoid being irrelevant but I woke up really afraid, shooken and emotional. The dream was a demon was forcefully taking my hand in marriage and taking me away from my family. It wasn't the usual scary faces you'd see in a movie, I cannot get the face out of my head as it was terrifying after I had tried to fight it off it then locked me in my house and was manipulating me, making me feel as if I was going insane. I woke up afraid and read my duas for safety and protection, I then returned to sleep and was faced with something possessing me and troubling me, not hurting me but controlling me (not allowing me to get help) I'd really be appreciative to know what this means because it isn't something I could just brush off.

A: Don't pay attention to this dream.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

