

Dream 1 - My Abba hired some time back a hindu worker in our shop & I had a dream about him. I saw myself in my dream that I was in a very small like a mini supermarket(like a tuckshop) & I saw this Indian chap working there. In my dream I it was Sunday so I was shocked that would work somewhere else & on Sunday. He greeted me which is not normal cause I normally ignore him.(then I woke up)

Dream 2 . i had a dream wherein I found myself in our old big flat(no longer live in it but Abba still owns it) and I was standing and reading namaaz on an old dark green carpet we once owned and it was looking in good condition(we threw it away long time ago the carpet) . Since I was in the lounge I could see outside through the glass doors we had there. I saw it was cloudy. Mufti Saheb I was still standing and reading namaaz and looked at the dark green carpet and I then I was so sad. I was thinking that I use to be good when I was small and go for umrah so many times and now i changed for the worse and don’t go for umrah.I was wishing that I was pious like before. I then started to cry a lot but softly all the while thinking how I wasted my life.


1. Deal with people in a respectable manner and treat them kindly.

2. May Allah Ta'ala give you the tawfeeq to reform yourself and gain His proximity.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

