
Q: Yesterday I saw a strange dream. I saw my cousin has died and we are preparing for his funeral. We gave him ghusl, we applied fragrance, we did all the things done. But in the mean while he wakes up. He sees everything but says nothing. He also reacts like he doesn't know its being prepared for his funeral. I start worrying and try to talk talk elders that we should not perform his funeral because he is not dead but nobody listens. Then we carry on for kabristan, in the way we lose his carriage and the body falls down and he wakes up, stands up and behave like a healthy man, still we make him sleep on the carriage and we continue to kabristan and then he was buried.

I request you to do interpret this dream. One more thing my cousin has been suffering from cancer we have been treating him since 2 months and he is on progress. Does this have any connection with my dream?

A: The one who passes away through any internal bodily ailment, passes away as a shaheed and the Quraan declares that a shaheed never dies, he always remains alive. May Allah Ta'ala grant your cousin kaamil shifa.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

