
Q: I was doing istikhara for marriage in my dream I saw my father gave money to my mother and told to go and buy fruits then me and my mother was going to buy then we saw some coconuts are there in Bazar but we didn't take them and then my father also came with us to search we were going on road then in the middle my uncle( my father's brother) came and said where are you going you have crossed that shop it was nearer . what could me the meaning of this. ( iam doing istikhara for the person who is near to our house ) is it positive or negative.

A: It is a good dream. If you and your parents are happy with the boy's Deen and akhlaaq, then you may accept the proposal.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

