
Q: Dream interpretation

1. A friend had a dream where she was going to the shops with her brother, they didn't have the time and wanted to know so her brother asked me and when he told her that I asked this girl the girl told him that that's a girl from my jamia class. Now the brothers gone and with me is a little girl who is too small to be a sister and so I go up to this friend and show her 50pence and ask her will me and and this girl be able to eat at a restaurant with this she said no I asked if she had money she said no

2. I had a dream where me my parents and aunty enter a river or ocean and we keep having to go into it and the water is flowing very fast we many times had to jump into this circulating water and were okay each time

3. I had a dream whilst my husband and I are separate but not divorced We were in Pakistan and I went into this room where I was alone my husband came there too but I was escaping him and got out through and hidden door and got out and went and sat where everyone else was


1. Observe strict purda with all non-mahrams, including non-mahram male cousins.

2. May Allah Ta'ala bless you with purity.

3. Fulfil the rights of your husband and serve him to the best of your ability.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

