Dreaming of my male friend

Q: I'm not married. I'm not dating (as non-muslims and muslims does these days) but I do have friends of the opposite gender. My friend who happens to be a male and I are not on speaking terms and I have learned that he may have alterior motives which made me very sad. Consequentlly, I have unfriended him. Recently, without motivation, I have been dreaming about him. At first I assumed it was my subconcious still trying to see the best in everyone as I do with everyone but I read my namaaz and try to live accordingly and put my trust in Allah Ta'ala.

Dream: I'm in a mini bus taxi and my friend is sitting next to me. I am joking about something and he smiles but looks forward. Then I grab him around his neck and kiss his cheek as a mother would kiss a small son. Very perculiar yet I felt very at ease. I have no idea why I am dreaming about this when I have a lot of things on my mind in other spheres in my waking life.


A: Being in contact with a na-mahram male is impermissible under all circumstances (whether one is dating or not). The only way through which a relationship with a na-mahram male becomes halaal is through the institution of nikaah. Hence the feelings and the dreams which you have in your heart for this person is on account of the close impermissible relationship and the heart being attached to this person. 
For further detail refer to http://muftionline.co.za/node/419

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
