Haraam relationship

Q: I really need advice on what to do. I have a partner whom I love very much. We have a child together who is 7 years old but my problem is my partner never married me because he is married to someone and it was an arranged marriage they also have kids together, but his wife does not know about me and my son neither does his mother know. Years ago his mom came to know and separated us but he always came back. I cannot be with anyone else because I love this man and I have given him myself completely. But I also want too do things the right way because I believe Allah Ta'ala will want the same but he is so scared to tell his family about me and my son and to make things right. How long can I live with this of not being married to him because it's haraam and I just want things to be right. He does everything for me and our son and he does truly love us but how can we make this any better?

A: Make taubah and make nikaah immediately.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
