Published 7 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: I take Pietermaritzburg as my home (Wathne Asli), however due to me studying and being married, I live in Isipingo Beach and take Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat. If I stay in Isipingo for less than 15 days will I be a musaafir in Isipingo? Doesَ my wife have to follow my intention as taking Pietermaritzburg as my Wathne Asli and Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat, or can she take Isipingo as her Wathne Asli?
1. Yes, you will be musaafir.
2. Her watne asli will be your watne asli.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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