
Q: After going toilet, I make istibraa by tying toilet paper around my private part for about one hour. Then I take out the toilet paper and I wash myself. For the past few days, after I make istibraa and I wash myself, I see that after 2-3 minutes something comes at the tip of my private part. I'm not sure if it is urine or water. Last night, I made istibraa for 2 hours and then I washed myself. After I washed myself the urine or water came at the tip of my private part after 2-3 minutes, I washed again and it came again. I washed two more times and I became tired. I washed again and I went to read my esha namaaz. Today, I made istibraa for about 2 hours and before I washed myself I checked my private part for a while and nothing came out but after i washed myself the urine or water came at the tip of my private part again. I want to know if it is urine or the water coming at the tip of my private part and if it is urine should I make qadha of the salaah. I read with this doubt in my mind?

A: After passing urine, do not make wudhu immediately. Instead wait for a little while (e.g. 15-20 minutes). Place tissue paper on that area so that the remainder urine drops will be absorbed in the tissue paper. Once you are satisfied that all the urine drops have come out, then remove the tissue paper, make wudhu and perform your Salaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

قلت: ومن كان بطيء الاستبراء فليفتل نحو ورقة مثل الشعيرة ويحتشي بها في الإحليل فإنها تتشرب ما بقي من أثر الرطوبة التي يخاف خروجها وينبغي أن يغيبها في المحل لئلا تذهب الرطوبة إلى طرفها الخارج (رد المحتار1/345)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
