Musaafir performing four rakaats Esha Salaah in Muzdalifah

Q: A musafir offers 4 rakats Isha namaz after Maghrib salah at muzdalifa behind an imam who offered only 2 rakats (not sure if he was musafir or muqeem as few people offer qasr even muqeem) due to confusion but later once he comes to know, he offers 2 rakats Isha namaz alone. Is the namaz okay or not?

Note: He offered the sunnat and witr after the 2 rakats of Isha salah.

A: It is valid. If it was done in error then there was no need to repeat it after the salaah time had expired.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)