Continuous discharge

Q: I have a wetness problem. There is no feeling of discharging wetness nor does it flow on my leg or clothes. There is always little wetness by my private part, almost 90% of the time. Whenever I pray and after completing prayers I check and there is wetness. What is the ruling for me?

Do I have to check everytime and then make wuzu again and again? Do I need to break the salah if wetness is felt, it might be water as well since we do istinja before wuzu and offer namaz immediately. I dont break my salah, rather I complete my salah in this condition, am I doing something wrong? I am not sure whether I am a mazoor or not.

A: If you qualify as a ma`zoor then your salaah is valid. A ma`zoor is that person who experiences a breaker of wudhu, like passing of gas or urine incontinence etc. so frequently that from the beginning of a namaaz time until the end of the namaaz time he / she is unable to perform wudhu and read namaaz without that particular breaker of wudhu occurring. Once this is established, one will remain a ma`zoor for as long as that particular breaker of wudhu occurs at least once in the rest of the namaaz times that follow. If you qualify as a ma`zoor then you will only have to make wudhu at the beginning of each namaaz time irrespective of how many times the wetness comes out.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
